Fluoride Campaign

For the past 3 weeks, Carolyn and Kenneth have been implementing a fluoridation campaign on behalf of the Chillca clinic. Visiting students at three rural elementary schools – Kamicancha, Chillca, and Piscacucho – they have successfully completed a campaign that will protect the students’ teeth for 8-10 months. Going to each of the schools was tons of fun, and included a short lesson about the importance of brushing one’s teeth, along with basic lessons in dental hygiene. Some highlights of this week:

1. Getting rides with our host mom, Renée, to each of the schools. She’s a teacher at the Chillca school so it was really great to have an insider for the onset of this project.

2. Hiking from each school back to Chillca. A beautiful walk; always an adventure.

3. Getting a glimpse of how different school is in rural Peru. Just an example: before starting class each morning, the teacher at Kamicancha requires each of her students to show their hands, face, and neck, to make sure they’ve been cleaned in the last 24 hours.

4. Fourth, and most importantly, making a lasting impact on a community in-need. A toothbrush was given to all children who otherwise wouldn’t have one.

About Awamaki

Awamaki is a nonprofit fair trade social enterprise dedicated to connecting Andean artisan weavers with global markets. We collaborate with women artisans to support their efforts towards educational and financial independence by co-creating beautifully handcrafted knit and woven accessories using hertiage techniques.