Make an Impact

Donate to Awamaki's Programs

Donate to our Educational and Training Programs


Your donation funds education and training for Andean women. You fund field trips so that women artisans can see successful, women-led businesses. You invest in education in organic dyes, quality control, and business administration. You provide workshops in confidence and women’s leadership. Your gift makes our projects possible, and enables artisan women to invest in their families and themselves.

Much of our revenue comes from programs that support our artisan partners. We use donations to start or expand these self-sustaining programs. For example, donor funds cover the cost of working with a new cooperative until they have acquired the technical product skills and we have created the market access for the program to be self-sustaining. By donating to Awamaki, you invest in women’s skills and opportunities, and support them to transform their communities with lasting sustainable change.

Your gift is the starting point from which we can operate the programs that create economic empowerment in women’s lives. Please donate by entering your details into the form below.

No Podemos Hacer Nuestros Trabajo Sin Ti


Con tu donación nos ayudas a financiar educación y capacitación para las mujeres andinas. Al hacer una donación a Awamaki, inviertes en las habilidades y oportunidades de las mujeres y así empoderarlas para transformar sus comunidades con un cambio duradero y sostenible. Proporcionas talleres sobre la confianza y el liderazgo para las mujeres. Con tu donación haces posible nuestro proyecto y permites que las mujeres artesanas puedan darle una mejor vida a sus familias.

Usamos las donaciones para iniciar o expandir estos programas autosuficientes. Por ejemplo, los fondos de los donantes cubren el costo de trabajar con una nueva cooperativa hasta que hayan adquirido las habilidades técnicas del producto y tengan acceso al mercado nacional e internacional para que el programa sea auto sostenible.Tu donación es el punto de partida desde el cual podemos operar los programas que crean el empoderamiento económico en la vida de las mujeres. ¡Gracias!

Puedes donar a nuestras cuentas de soles o dólares del BCP:

Cuenta BCP en SOLES: 285-209-278-5027

Cuenta BCP en DOLARES: 285-210-256-9166

Volunteer With Us

The success of Awamaki’s work is made possible by the generosity and commitment of our volunteers and interns. We rely on the fresh energy and skills that volunteers bring to tackle new ideas and improve our work. We encourage volunteers and interns to take initiative, working independently and in teams, in areas that align with their interests, experience, and goals. Volunteers leave Awamaki confident that they made a tangible contribution to the organization, and with new skills that they have been able to use effectively in their work with us.

Our Programs

Awamaki is a community-driven social enterprise working in deep collaboration with Quechua artisans. Together we create grassroots programs to support and grow women-led cooperatives through heritage textiles, market access, and sustainable tourism. 

Sustainable Tourism for Groups

Awamaki arranges customized service trips for groups of students or tourists. Groups visit for any amount of time from a half day to several weeks. Awamaki arranges service projects, local accommodations, home stays, classes and other cultural immersion experiences for groups. These trips give groups a hands-on community experience that allows the group to learn about Andean culture, contribute to our work, and give back to the local community.